I want my District to be the most peaceful and sustainable community, where everyone is appreciated, secure, and taken care of. I encourage honesty which is why I refrain from false comments or promises; promises which are not in my command.

My most important aims are economic growth and safety. Driving the district into a stable atmosphere includes financial stability since the pandemic the economy has taken a downfall. I am keen to make smart decisions that will lead to security and sustainability.

Supporting local government and police departments will lead to a more secure and unrestricted environment for our beautiful community. Our District has the potential to be accepting, free, and open; if we continue to support each other, this vision will become reality quickly. Which is why supporting local businesses is one of the many goals I have.

Our education system needs recognition and advancement; I aim to introduce high education of the best stature in this town. If we move together, we can ensure a safer, better and more accepting community.

My love for  animals motivates me to help them be a part of our community, introducing safe spaces and parks for the animals along with ensuring their health and safety is a significant concern as well.

Mr. Mohamed Elsherbini